Selasa, 11 Juni 2013

biografi Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 1821) may be a figure who has always caused controversy for many. Those who live at that time or subsequently almost always face a dilemma: if he found this in a particularly harsh and bars who likes to kill people or a leader who always gets the sympathy of his followers? He was always giving poison his troops wounded per aftermath of war. Is it because it does not matter to them or precisely because he could not bear to see them suffer and do not want to see them suffer? Legend says that he also always brings a little stock in every war from the course is required troops. Was it because he was violent and had no compassion or precisely because he's a realistic? He probably just thought it would be a lot of soldiers who died in the war so that the number of troops decreased. Maybe we'll find the answer if you know more about him
The French General and Emperor Napoleon I, famous, came out of his mother's womb in Ajaccio, Corsica, in 1769. Originally named Napoleon Bonaparte. Corsica in French territory just fifteen months before Napoleon was born, and at times his Napoleon Corsica nationalist who considers the French oppressors. However, Napoleon sent entered the Military Academy in France and when he finished in 1785 at the age of fifteen she's so French army rank of Lieutenant.
Napoleon saw his first chance was in 1793, in the battle of Toulon (France recaptured the city from the hands of United Kingdom), place Napoléon served in the artillery units. At that time she was no longer holding on to understand Corsicanya, but the nationalists already consider themselves French. Success-success that he was getting to him, so at Toulon Brig and in 1796 he was given a load of responsibility so the command of the French army in Italy. In the country, between the years 1796-1797, Napoleon successfully captured a spate of victories that made him a hero, when it was returned to France.
In 1798 he led the invasion of France to Egypt. This move turned out to be a catastrophe. On land, large Napoleon successfully, but the United Kingdom Navy under the command of Lord Nelson with a steady tear apart the French fleet, and in 1799 Napoleon left his army in Egypt and returned to France.
Arriving in France, Napoleon's jelly it can conclude that the people of France are relived with his victories in the Italian rather than French expedition to Egypt's failure. Hold on to this fact, just a month after he stepped on the Earth of France, Napoleon took part in a power struggle with Albe Sieyes and others. This coup, gave birth to a new Government called the "Consulate" and Napoleon became first Consul. Although the Constitution had been drafted carefully and accepted by people's plebiscite, this approval is a mere guise to cover military dictatorship of Napoleon who immediately capable of elbowing and crippling opponents.
The rise of Napoleon's rise to power to the downright amazing. In August 1793, before the battle of Toulon, Napoleon samasekali unknown people. He's nothing more than a low officer twenty-four years and a not fully French. However, less than six years later – still under thirty years of age – is incarnated so French authorities cannot be disproved yet, a digenggamnya for over fourteen years.
In the years of his rule, Napoleon made a major reshuffle in the Government administrative system and French law. For example, he recast the financial and judicial structures, he established the Bank of France and the French, as well as menyentralisir University Administration. Although each of these changes had a significant meaning, and in some respects had a long term influence power especially for France, does not have any influence on the means for other countries.
But one of the reshuffle carried out by Napoleon have the power of influence that goes beyond the limits of the country of France. That is, the preparation of what is famous as the Code Napoléon. In many ways, this code reflects the ideas of the French Revolution. For example, under this code, no special privileges based on birth and origins, all those same degrees in the eyes of the law. In unison with the code is fairly close to the old laws and customs that are accepted by the people of France the French system and its judgment. In General, code that moderate, organized neatly and is written with a concise, clear, and furthermore acceptable, easily understood. As a result, this code does not apply only in France (the French civil code that applies now is almost similar to the Napoleonic Code that) but also accepted in other countries changes tailored to local needs.
The politics of Napoleon are always growing conviction that he is the one who defended the French Revolution. But, in 1804 he himself are memperoklamirkan themselves as Emperor of France. Moreover, he appointed three of his brother on the throne in several European countries. This move can not help foster a sense of displeasure on the part of the people of the Republic of France which considers the vagaries of it entirely is a betrayal of the ideas and goals of the French Revolution. However, the main difficulty facing Napoleon's wars with foreign countries.
In 1802, in Amiens, Napoleon signed a peace treaty with the United Kingdom. This gives the wind relieved to France within the next ten years continuously in an atmosphere of war. However, in the following year peace treaty was broken and the war with United Kingdom and their allies began again. Although Napoleon's troops repeatedly won the battle on the Mainland, the United Kingdom could not be defeated if only its fleet is not terlumpuhkan. Unfortunately for Napoleon, the battle of the musykil at Trafalgar in 1805, the United Kingdom naval victories. Therefore, surveillance and efficacy of United Kingdom on the sea does not need to doubt. Although Napoleon's great victory (against Austria in Austerlitz and Russia) took place six weeks after Trafalgar, it in no way could erase the bitterness of defeat in ocean fleet sector.
in 1808 Napoleon do ketololan of France into the war involves a long and uncertain end of his roots in the Iberian Peninsula, where the French army embedded motionless over the years. The biggest mistake, however, Napoleon was his attack against Russia. In 1807 Napoleon met face to face with the Czar, and in the Treaty of Tilsit, they unanimously agreed to raise the eternal friendship. However, the conspiracy and fellowship it was gradually broken, and in 1812 Napoleon led troops June giant trampling the Earth Russia.
The results of these actions are the same. Russia forces generally avoid direct combat against the army of Napoleon, Napoleon can therefore go ahead with speed. In September, Napoleon occupied Moscow. However, the Russia membumihanguskan the city and most of the ground. After waiting for five weeks in Moscow (with the vain hope Russia will offer peace), Napoleon finally decided to step down, but this decision was too late. A combination of blows army of Russia and a cruel winter, no memadainya supply French forces resulted in the movement back into the morat-marit movement. Less than ten percent of the giant French troops could get out of Russia alive.
Other European countries, such as Austria and Prussia, conscious of right they had a good chance beats France. They combine all the strength against Napoleon, and at the time of the battle of Leipzig in October 1813, Napoleon returned bitter blow to stagger. The following year he stopped and was exiled to the island of Elba, a small island off the coast of Italy.
In 1815 he escaped from the island of Elba, returned to France, was well received and return to power. European powers soon promulgated the hundred days of the war and after the Spanish Grand Prix he again in Napoleon's rise to power, deadly defeat at Waterloo.
After Waterloo, Napoleon was imprisoned by the United Kingdom in St. Helena, a small island in the South Atlantic Ocean. This is where he breathed his last in 1821 by the cancer.
Military career of Napoleon presents an interesting paradox. Kegeniusan's movement was riveting, and when measured in terms of it, can be so he can be considered a general one for all times. But in the field of basic strategy he declined due to make errors-errors, such as for example the invasion into Egypt and Russia. His strategy was so dumb mistake that Napoleon does not deserve military leader nicknamed first-class. This second assumption is not fair? I think not. Indeed, the measure of the greatness of a general lies in its ability to do avoid mistakes that lead towards destruction. That kind of thing does not happen to Alexander the great, Genghis Khan and Tamerlane's Army never unbeatable. Since Napoleon was ultimately defeated in 1815, the French have a smaller area than ever belong in 1879, the outbreak of the revolution.
Napoleon, of course, an "egomaniac" and is often considered semodel by Hitler. However, there is a difference between the two is complicated. If Hitler acted his part at the instigation of the hidden ideology, Napoleon is solely driven by ambition that oportunistis and she had no taste and the butchery of outrageous conduct. In the reign of Napoleon, there was no such concentration camps like that belonged to Hitler.
Very masyhurnya name of Napoleon is very easy to trap the guy thought he was influential in extravagance. The influence of short-term indeed big, maybe bigger than Alexander the great, although not as big as Hitler. (According to estimates, about 500,000 French soldiers died in the Napoleonic wars, being approximately 800,000 people died during the Germany World War 2). By any measure, the destruction of Napoleon's deeds less than what Hitler did.
In regard to long-term influence, it seems more important than Hitler, Napoleon, although much less important than Alexander the great. Napoleon made far-reaching changes in the administration of France, but the French population is one of the seventy people of the world. In each incident, the kind of administrative changes should be reviewed from the perspective of the reasonable. Its influence on the French are much less than the changes a number of technological advances in the past two centuries later.
Many people say, the Napoleon provides opportunities for changes to the terkonsolidasinya and the mapannya of the borjuais of France. In 1815, when the French monarchy was finally reorganized, these changes are sustained and protected it so well so may return social patterns of old order a thing that is entirely impossible. But, the most important change actually occurs and arranged before Napoleon. In 1799 when Napoleon assumed control of Government might be every Street towards the return to the status quo is overdue. However, the ambitions of Napoleon himself keraja kingship, he did hold a vital role, spreads the idea of revolution throughout Europe.
Napoleon also brought the onset of influences and great in Latin America revolution. Their invasion of Spain to weaken the Government of Spain and its colonial handling in its occupied areas also by itself melonggar and ineffective. In a situation of de facto autonomy this is Latin America's independence movements started to erupt. Napoleon at the battle of Waterloo.
Of all the deeds of Napoleon, the most important and most have a long-term influence even outside the plan and are not attributable to the plans of Napoleon himself.
In 1803, Napoleon sold the area to the United States. He knows, courtesy of the French in North America difficult protected against invasions of the United Kingdom. In addition, he also needs money, the sale of land that may be trading Louisiana land for peace was the biggest in history and change the United States became a country-sized continent. What shape is inconceivable without this Louisiana United States. Will definitely be a country that samasekali is different from what we know now. And also worth a doubt United States could become a strong country without the purchase of Louisiana.
Napoleon, of course, isn't the only person acting and was responsible for sales. The American Government clearly grasp the role anyway. However, the offer of France to sell Louisiana was decided in negotiations by one person. And that guy Napoleon Bonaparte.

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